A massage can relieve you from the soreness and stiff muscle fatigue in a matter of minutes. Getting to a massage professional can take a lot of time and money that many people won’t consider going for. However, Massager devices are a revolutionary invention because they’re here to save both time and money. You can use them anywhere, anytime, and as long as you want with any massage you want.
They are one-time investments and serve for years and keep you sound on both mental and physical health. As there are so many types and designs of massager devices, you must know how to use massagers for the best output. Stick to the article to know how you can get started with your new massager device and get rejuvenated.
Types Of Massager
Depending on the application method and perspective differences, there are a wide variety of massager types. Here are the most popular and essential massager types you may need for maintaining a sound body and mind:
- Full body Massagers: They are usually massage chairs that cover and massage your whole body with multiple types of massage
- Back Massagers: They usually come with a design that you can use in office chairs or car seats to massage your whole back from neck to the buttock.
- Handheld Massagers: These are portable, one-handed massagers that you can use as a spot massager for a sore or stiff body part.
- Percussion Massagers: They are perfect for deep tissue penetration and help for stiff and fatigued muscle; athletes use this much for muscle restoration.
- Face Massagers: Face massagers can improve the blood circulation and oxygen supply to your face and keep your skin firm, safe from age wrinkles.
- Neck and Shoulder Massagers: They drape over your shoulder and neck to massage you with different massage methods.
- Pillow Massagers: These are like regular pillows but with a massager mechanism inside even with heating and deep kneading massage methods.
- Foot Massagers: The foot massagers are the most common once, with a wide range of sub-categories with different massage methods, including acupoint massage.
- Heat Massagers: They come with a heating mechanism along with the regular massage heads and grips for relieving pain and muscle fatigue.
How To Use Massager?
As there are so many massager types available in the market, and usage of most of them differ from other types. I’ll get you through the most common ones and let you know how to use massager devices. You can get the idea in a whole as you get to know the similar massager type from this list below:
How To Use Full-Body Massagers
Full-body massage chairs are the most popular massager device choices in the market, although they’re the biggest. Follow this method to use a full-body massage chair:
- Check your electrical outlet and connect your massager on the proper socket. Make sure you have the proper voltage converter on the outlet before plugging in.
- See if the chair has consistent power and ready to start. Once all ok, you can now start your chair and get your control panel to set up your massage mode and method.
- If you’re using a remote controller, tweak the buttons and give it the proper intensity level with the right massage mode, such as kneading, tapping, pressing, shiatsu, or others.
Foot Massagers
Foot massagers are the best option if you have a small space or if you’re planning to place the massager under your desk. Here is what you should know for using any foot massagers:
- Plug your massager to the correct outlet, make sure the power option matches each other, such as 120 V or 240 V.
- Now insert or place your foot, depending on the design of your massager device, don’t start the device before you put your feet on it.
- Once you and your massager are ready to go, start your massager with the lowest intensity level. You can increase the level once you adopt with the lowest pressure and go higher.
- Set your timer for the massage to control over-massaging your body. If it has auto-shutoff technology, that’ll be better for you and your massager’s safety.
Heated Massagers
Massagers with heating technology come in handy if you have severe pain and soreness on any of your body parts. You have to follow some rules while using heat therapy in your massager, such as:
- Plugin your massager and see if the heating mechanism has any special power outlet requirement; if there is any, fulfill that before you start your device.
- Now, before you use the heating function, get some mild massage with the regular massage-only mode.
- Once you’re easy and the stiffness is gone with only massage mode, you can now hit the heating function, but with the lowest temperature, and go higher gradually.
- Don’t use the heating function for too long, or you may get injured; try to get a heating massager with an automatic shut-off feature for added safety.
Back Massagers
Back massagers are perfect if you need to have a massage option behind your back while you’re in your car seat or office chair. Here are the rules and processes to follow to use a back massager safely:
- Back massagers usually come in cordless and power up with the battery. So, make sure the massager battery has a good power outlet to charge for a longer life expectancy.
- Back massagers also come with heating therapy mostly, so be sure to follow the previous rules.
- Use a specific massage method such as shiatsu or always rolling and avoid over massaging as your spine could get hurt.
Handheld Percussion Massagers
Handheld massagers and percussion massagers come with almost the same working procedures and methods. Here is how you should operate a handheld portable massager:
- Whether the massager is battery powered or works corded, make sure the power source is safe and never gets in danger.
- Don’t start with the highest intensity level and the hardest massage mode available in the machine. Make sure you start with the lowest and go upwards gradually as you start to feel comfortable.
- Use the right massage head attachment while using the percussion massager. It depends on which body part you’re using it on and the type of penetration you need.
- Use about 1400 PPM (Pulse Per Minute) at the beginning of your deep kneading and go up to 3600 PPM if you’re an athlete and have some excessive muscles to rejuvenate.
Benefits Of Using A Massager
A massager is a great device to have if you’re trying to keep physically fit and mentally strong. Here are some special benefits you can acquire if you use a massager:
- Improve your immune system: Massagers can help your body release more white blood cells, which works directly as an antibody to protect you from diseases and weakness.
- Alleviating muscle pain: Massagers will penetrate through your body’s muscles deeper layers and help them heal for reconstruction, especially if you’re building muscle or stay sited for long.
- Relief from depression and anxiety: Getting a good massage can help you eliminate anxiety disorder and recover from depression by improving your parasympathetic nervous system.
- Help you with age wrinkles: Massagers can help you prevent getting aging marks and wrinkles from your skin and get a tighter skin with better blood flow and oxygen supply on the skin cells.
If you’re interested in the massager benefits, you can check out this in-depth article on the topic: is massage good for health?
Frequently Ask Question
Here are the answers to the most frequent questions about massage that you might have in your mind:
Are massages actually good for you?
Yes, massages can help you get a better life both physically and mentally.
Is it OK to have a massage every day?
Unless it’s necessary, you shouldn’t get a massage more than twice a week.
Is full body massage good for health?
Yes, full-body massage will cover your whole body’s nervous system and improve your health.
Final Thought
There is no doubt that the right massager can improve your total lifestyle upside down and make you feel more alive. But you can never get the benefit your device offers if you don’t know how to use your massager. After reading this guide on how to use massager devices, I hope now you can use it for maximum benefits.
I tried to include all the major mechanisms so that you can understand the working of other sub-categories. Most of all, make sure you don’t mess with the electronic devices and use them with the utmost care. Be sure to follow the safety measures and don’t use your devices the wrong way, or you’ll harm your body not following the right procedure.